Blog: The Latest in Eye Care
Revitalize Your Skin with IPL Photofacial: The Solution to Sun Damage and Visible Veins
If you're looking for a non-invasive solution to sun-damaged skin, IPL Photofacial could be the answer. This article covers the procedure, its benefits, and what to expect during and after treatment.
Lumenis OptiLight IPL: A New FDA Approved Treatment for Dry Eye Disease
Did you know that tear evaporation triggers a cycle of ocular surface damage, inflammation, and worsening of DED symptoms? Read more about meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eyes. Lumenis OptiLight is that it has been shown to be highly effective in treating MGD. Studies have demonstrated that IPL treatment can significantly improve the signs and symptoms of MGD.
Screen Time and Your Child's Eyes: Protect Their Vision Today
The article highlights the growing concern for children's eye health due to excessive screen time, emphasizing the importance of regular eye exams and proper eyewear to manage risks like dry eye disease and myopia in the digital age.
Easy Trick: How Tilting Your Head Can Make Eye Drop Instillation a Breeze
The article discusses a simple technique to make instilling eye drops easier and less difficult by tilting your head to the side. It emphasizes the importance of proper administration of eye drops and provides step-by-step instructions to follow.
Monitoring Macular Degeneration with the Amsler Grid: A Simple Tool to Save Your Sight
This article discusses macular degeneration, a common eye disease that affects people over the age of 50, and how to use the Amsler grid to monitor and detect changes in the central vision caused by the disease. It also provides tips to reduce the risk of macular degeneration, such as maintaining a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and getting regular eye exams.
Identifying 7 Common Triggers of Eye Irritation and Redness
If you've ever experienced irritated, scratchy eyes, you'll know how uncomfortable they can be. There are several things that can cause these symptoms, including allergies, dry eye, something stuck in your eye, or even a scratch on your eyeball. Read to learn more!
Seeing Clearly: Treating Keratoconus with Corneal Cross-Linking, Transplants, and Scleral Lenses
This article discusses Keratoconus, a corneal disease that can cause blurry and distorted vision. It explores the available treatments for Keratoconus, including corneal cross-linking, corneal transplant, and scleral lenses, and highlights their effectiveness in managing the condition. Read More.
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month
Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. In the United States, approximately 120,000 are blind from glaucoma, accounting for 9% to 12% of all cases of blindness. Learn about some ways you can help raise awareness.
Preventing Halloween Eye Injuries in Los Angeles
Never buy colored contact lenses from a retailer that does not ask for a prescription. There is no such thing as a "one size fits all" contact lens. Lenses that are not properly fitted may scratch the eye or cause blood vessels to grow into the cornea. Learn more how some retailers are selling illegal contact lenses!
September is Sports Eye Injury Prevention Awareness Month
Shin guards for soccer. Shoulder pads for football. Batting helmets for baseball and softball. Almost every sport has its own unique protective gear. But most participants in sports forget to protect one of the most important parts of the body: the eyes.
Unlocking Your Child's Learning Potential: The Critical Link Between Vision and Academic Success
Studies suggest that up to 80% of a child's learning occurs through their visual system, with daily visual tasks such as reading, writing, and using technology playing a crucial role. If a child's visual skills are underdeveloped or not functioning correctly, they may have to exert extra effort, which can lead to headaches, fatigue, and other eye strain issues. Parents and teachers should remain vigilant for these symptoms, which may indicate a potential vision problem in a child.
Children and Computer Vision Syndrome in School?
Sitting for hours in front of a computer screen stresses a child's eyes because the computer forces the child's vision system to focus and strain a lot more than during any other task. Learn more here about what you can do about computer vision syndrome!
Back to School Success Starts with Good Vision
Good vision is necessary for optimal academic performance. As kids grow, all sorts of developmental stages can cause changes in their eyesight. An eye exam helps to identify these changes. Find a good time to make an appointment to see us as part of your back-to-school routine. We’ll help your child commence the academic year with great vision.
Can Playing Video Games Hurt My Child's Eyes? You May Be Very Surprised
With the rise in popularity of video games and E-Sports, parents have always wondered what the potential side effects include after spending many hours in front of the television. This article will help dispel some of the most popular myths.
Nurturing Healthy Vision in Your Child: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover how you can safeguard your child's eyesight in a technology-driven world. Uncover effective strategies to reduce myopia risk, prevent the need for glasses, and ensure healthy vision through modern solutions like atropine eye drops, multi-focal contacts, and Ortho-K. Explore expert insights on screen time guidelines, personalized eye care, and the latest approaches to tackle the global myopia epidemic while maintaining your child's visual health.
Vuity Eye Drops: A New Aid for Near Vision Difficulty (Presbyopia)
With advancements in the health sector due to rapid revolutionary changes in technology, medical scientists often come up with modern and unique treatment options for treating different diseases. Now Allergan pharma has launched a new product named “Vuity Eye Drops (Pilocarpine 1.25%) ” which is claimed to have solved the ever-growing issues related to presbyopia.
New Study Challenges the Effectiveness of the 20-20-20 Rule for Eye Strain
A recent study suggests that the commonly recommended 20/20/20 rule - taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes from near work and looking 20 feet away - may not be enough to alleviate digital eye strain. The study evaluated the effect of different break schedules on ocular and visual symptoms and found no significant effect on reported symptoms, reading speed, or task accuracy.
Uncovering the Tech Scam: The Comeback of Deceptive Sales Techniques & The Dangers of Online Vision Tests!
Some companies are using apps as a smokescreen to mislead consumers and undermine very basic quality care standards. An online eye test has the potential to miss critical, underlying health problems. Read more to find out how these companies are doing more harm than good. Read more about how they can be harmful to your eyes.
The Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses: Protection from UV Rays and Eye Health
Sunglasses are more than just a fashion accessory; they play a crucial role in protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays and maintaining eye health. In this article, we highlight the numerous benefits of wearing sunglasses, such as reducing glare and eye strain, protecting the delicate skin around the eyes from premature aging and skin cancer, and preserving the health of your eyesight. Invest in high-quality, polarized sunglasses to protect your eyes from potential harm and enjoy all of your outdoor activities with confidence. Read more.
Sunshine Optometry's Favorite Eyecare Products
Sometimes we need help with taking care of our eyes. Here is a list we’ve compiled of frequently recommended over-the-counter eyecare products we frequently recommend and love to use in our daily lives. Read to learn more.