How to Prevent Foggy Glasses? Optifog: The Professional Solution
Fog is unpredictable and can strike at any time. It can be particularly dangerous and uncomfortable. 75% of glasses wearers want an anti-fog solution for their lenses. Discover Optifog, a professional-grade solution! A top layer with fog repellence properties is activated by Optifog Activator Cloth once a week or more frequently depending on needs. This results in long-lasting fog-free vision, in addition to glare reduction, dust repellence, scratch resistance, and UV protection.
In years past, an article about glasses that would repel fog and moisture wouldn’t have been very popular. Such a product was only often interesting to professional chefs and engineers. Nowadays we’re reminded daily of the importance of wearing a face-covering to help protect others around us from COVID19, and the fogging of glasses especially in cold weather has become a common challenge.
The CDC continues to encourage mask-wearing to reduce droplet exposure, and those of us who wear glasses realize these droplets escape around the mask and make it difficult to keep our lenses clear and fog-free. What if we told you there is a magical lens that remains fog-free all day?
Optifog is a technology that was originally designed for occupational glasses. It was very convenient for individuals that spend a lot of time in a kitchen, delivery people that are constantly going inside and out, and even athletes. In the past, these lenses also required a special solution to activate the anti-fog properties, which was relatively difficult to find.
Today, a new generation of Optifog is available! With the likelihood that mask-wearing will continue for the foreseeable future, let’s explore the updates to this new technology. Optifog is a permanent lens enhancement that is applied during the manufacturing of the prescription lens. It consists of a special layer that is activated by an Activator Cloth, which is far more convenient than a spray. Using this cloth, you would clean the lenses every day just like you would clean the lenses with a regular microfiber cloth, and the lenses stay clear all day!
This technology prevents the tiny water droplets in our breath from forming a film of mist. The special layer flattens these droplets to allow them to spread evenly across the surface of the lens and let the user see through them.
Optifog must be selected as an option at the time of ordering prescription lenses. Unfortunately, it is not an enhancement that can be applied to an existing, finished lens. This pricing of Optifog is similar to premium anti-glare lens enhancements and is available at our office.
Contact one of our team members for details to get a quote for your next pair of glasses with Optifog!**
** Note: Optifog is not eligible for vision insurance purchases
See how a professional grade lens enhancement Optifog stacks up against DIY solutions!
1. EVERY DAY: Activate and clean your Optifog lenses using the Optifog Activator Cloth.
2. EVERY 2 WEEKS: Wash the Optifog lenses with water
3. EVERY 3 MONTHS (or after 450 uses): Replace your Optifog Activator Cloth
Use the Optifog Activator Cloth:
When the anti-fog performance of your Optifog lenses is diminishing (daily application is not required)
To clean your Optifog lenses
Notes: All water-based liquids will remove Optifog Activator from the lenses. If lenses are in contact with water (ex: rain), the Optifog Activator Cloth needs to be used again.
Though the principle of compatibilization was known before Essilor created the Optifog lens, the Group developed a system that allows:
More efficient anti-fog properties
Considerably improved durability
Combination with the no-glare, smudge, and scratch-resistant performances