Are Contact Lenses Safe for My Child?

As a parent, you may have concerns about the safety of contact lenses for your child. With the growing interest in myopia control, more children are becoming candidates for contact lens wear. Consequently, it is a question that arises frequently. However, it is important to note that contact lens-related infections have been extensively researched in the field of eye care. Recent studies indicate that contact lens wear is actually safer for children compared to any other age group, including adults. The risk of serious eye infections is minimal, approximately 1 in 5000 or 0.02%, and can be significantly mitigated by following proper lens care and hygiene practices. In fact, wearing daily disposable contact lenses as prescribed eliminates the risk of improper hygiene altogether.

If you are a concerned parent wondering about the safety of contact lenses for your child, you are not alone. The increasing popularity of myopia control has led to a rise in children being eligible for contact lens wear, making this a common question among parents. It is crucial to understand that extensive research has been conducted in the field of eye care regarding contact lens-related infections. Surprisingly, recent studies indicate that children have a lower risk of experiencing complications compared to other age groups, including adults. The likelihood of serious eye infections is estimated to be approximately 1 in 5000 or 0.02%. By adhering to proper lens care and hygiene practices, this risk can be significantly minimized. It is worth noting that using daily disposable contact lenses, as prescribed, completely eliminates the possibility of improper hygiene-related issues.

Halloween often witnesses a surge in contact lens-related infections, primarily due to consumers purchasing lenses that are sold illegally and without a prescription from an eye doctor. It is important to stress that wearing contact lenses without proper guidance increases the risk of complications. However, it is essential to remember that the overall risk of infection remains very low, particularly when wearers are educated on proper lens handling techniques. If any issues do arise, it is crucial to seek immediate treatment from the prescribing optometrist, as all contact lenses are considered medical devices.

In conclusion, contact lens wear in children is generally safe when appropriate care and hygiene practices are followed.

See article: The Safety of Soft Contact Lenses in Children : Optometry and Vision Science (


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