Quitting Can Make You a Winner? How Does Smoking Affect My Eyes?

The American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout can be the starting point for quitting smoking. By doing so, you can reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration, as smoking is the single most controllable factor that contributes to its development. Smoking causes damage to your vision with each cigarette you smoke. It leads to vasoconstriction or narrowing of the blood vessels, which reduces the blood supply to the eyes. Smoking also generates free radicals that cause cellular damage while reducing your levels of antioxidants. Therefore, quitting smoking can be beneficial for your vision and overall health.

Many studies have determined that smoking significantly increases the risk of macular degeneration, and some research has shown that the risk is at least double that of non-smokers. Since smoking is an addiction, it is very hard to stop. The information that smoking significantly and irrefutably increases risk of vision loss from macular degeneration should help increase motivation.

Set Your Quit Date for November 16th

When trying to quit smoking, support can make all the difference! Quitting smoking can be hard. But you have so much to win by quitting—lower risk for lung cancer and other diseases such as Macular Degeneration, easier breathing, more energy, and cleaner air. Start thinking of all the ways you can win when you begin a healthier, smoke-free life. The Amsler Grid is a tool for identifying distortion in your visual field from diseases such as Macular Degeneration. It is a convenient eye test that you can use at home to monitor changes in your vision. It helps to detect many problems early, while they may still be treatable. Download the app here. 

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