Blog: The Latest in Eye Care

Education, Health, Dry Eye S. Optometry Education, Health, Dry Eye S. Optometry

New Study Challenges the Effectiveness of the 20-20-20 Rule for Eye Strain

A recent study suggests that the commonly recommended 20/20/20 rule - taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes from near work and looking 20 feet away - may not be enough to alleviate digital eye strain. The study evaluated the effect of different break schedules on ocular and visual symptoms and found no significant effect on reported symptoms, reading speed, or task accuracy.

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Glasses, Health, Digital Eye Strain S. Optometry Glasses, Health, Digital Eye Strain S. Optometry

Work At a Computer All Day? Here's How to Take Care Of Your Eyes

If your work involves heavy computer use, you may notice eye trouble. You’re not alone—at least 50 percent of those who work in front of a computer report eye issues, but the number may be closer to 90 percent. If you’re having trouble with your eyes, check your screen use. If your symptoms don’t go away, or if you need more information, contact our office to schedule your appointment.

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