Blog: The Latest in Eye Care
Are VR Headsets Hurting Your Eyes? Understanding the Myths and Realities
Using VR headsets doesn't damage your eyes, but it can lead to temporary discomfort like dry eyes and digital eye strain. Following the 20-20-20 rule, using eye drops, and ensuring proper fit can help alleviate these symptoms.
New Study Challenges the Effectiveness of the 20-20-20 Rule for Eye Strain
A recent study suggests that the commonly recommended 20/20/20 rule - taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes from near work and looking 20 feet away - may not be enough to alleviate digital eye strain. The study evaluated the effect of different break schedules on ocular and visual symptoms and found no significant effect on reported symptoms, reading speed, or task accuracy.
Why Omega-3’s are Essential for Ocular Health
When it comes to patient education and ocular disease management, optometrists are often asked the inevitable question “Is there anything else I can do”? Patients continually seek additional treatment options, in hopes of increasing their odds of preserving their sight.