Blog: The Latest in Eye Care
Can Playing Video Games Hurt My Child's Eyes? You May Be Very Surprised
With the rise in popularity of video games and E-Sports, parents have always wondered what the potential side effects include after spending many hours in front of the television. This article will help dispel some of the most popular myths.
One Very Important Link Between Your Eyes and Teeth?
Did you know that teeth are one of the very first things people notice in a potential partner? Valentine’s Day is coming soon, so learn about this one link between your teeth and eyes.
Work At a Computer All Day? Here's How to Take Care Of Your Eyes
If your work involves heavy computer use, you may notice eye trouble. You’re not alone—at least 50 percent of those who work in front of a computer report eye issues, but the number may be closer to 90 percent. If you’re having trouble with your eyes, check your screen use. If your symptoms don’t go away, or if you need more information, contact our office to schedule your appointment.
Diabetes Alert: Protect Your Vision and Learn How it Impacts Your Eyesight
Approximately 90% of all patients with diabetes will develop some form of sight-threatening retinopathy over their lifetime. Learn more about how diabetes affects your eyes and why it is important to regularly examine your eyes!
Can You Hear This Silent Image Bouncing? Here’s Why!
Look at this animated image. There’s no sound, but most people who see it hear a “thudding” in their head each time the bouncing structure hits the ground. Why is this? Read more.