Blog: The Latest in Eye Care
Uncovering the Tech Scam: The Comeback of Deceptive Sales Techniques & The Dangers of Online Vision Tests!
Some companies are using apps as a smokescreen to mislead consumers and undermine very basic quality care standards. An online eye test has the potential to miss critical, underlying health problems. Read more to find out how these companies are doing more harm than good. Read more about how they can be harmful to your eyes.
Why Do Glasses Have a Prop 65 Warning in California?
BpA as many of you know, is found almost everywhere – food containers, compact discs and DVDs, bicycle helmets and electronic equipment. At your optometrist’s office, it’s found in trace amounts in some plastic eyeglass frames and in polycarbonate, a very common lens used in eyeglasses. With only trace amounts of BpA detected in a polycarbonate lens and plastic eye wear frame, how much exposure are you really getting? Read more about what your lenses are made from.