Blog: The Latest in Eye Care
Celebrate Independence Day In Style and Fireworks Eye Safety Month
We urge you & your children to wear safety glasses while playing with fireworks. Sparklers can burn to over 2000 degrees! Safety glasses can protect your eyes from a future filled with regret. Stay safe and have a Happy 4th of July
March Madness! Learn About Sports & Safety Glasses
Did you know that 90 percent of sports-related eye injuries can be prevented with the use of protective eyewear? In fact, basketball is one of the most high-risk sports for eye injuries. Learn more here!
Preventing Halloween Eye Injuries in Los Angeles
Never buy colored contact lenses from a retailer that does not ask for a prescription. There is no such thing as a "one size fits all" contact lens. Lenses that are not properly fitted may scratch the eye or cause blood vessels to grow into the cornea. Learn more how some retailers are selling illegal contact lenses!
September is Sports Eye Injury Prevention Awareness Month
Shin guards for soccer. Shoulder pads for football. Batting helmets for baseball and softball. Almost every sport has its own unique protective gear. But most participants in sports forget to protect one of the most important parts of the body: the eyes.
Uncovering the Tech Scam: The Comeback of Deceptive Sales Techniques & The Dangers of Online Vision Tests!
Some companies are using apps as a smokescreen to mislead consumers and undermine very basic quality care standards. An online eye test has the potential to miss critical, underlying health problems. Read more to find out how these companies are doing more harm than good. Read more about how they can be harmful to your eyes.
Are Contact Lenses Safe for My Child?
If you’re the parent of a child, then you may have asked yourself if contact lenses are safe. The increased interest in myopia control has increased the number of children who are candidates for contact lens wear. Thus, it’s an increasingly common question. Read more to find out!
On the Road! Need A DMV Eye Exam?
How is the test graded? What’s the minimum score? For both eyes combined? Can you pass the test with one good eye? And what happens to somebody whose vision test score is too low? Can it be appealed or the test retaken? How does all this work?
New Study: Eyeglass Wearers Five Times Less Susceptible to COVID-19 Infection
What is the association between the daily wear of eyeglasses and susceptibility to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? These new findings suggest that daily wearers of eyeglasses may be 5 times less likely to be infected with COVID-19.